Curiosity meets creativity
Project Themes
Develop skills through fun and challenging projects.
Engage in interactive experiments to learn theories and concepts.
Build and program to solve real-world problems and exciting challenges.
Kids Innovative
Building a passion for STEAM
Children are natural budding scientists, aspiring artist, and future engineers. At Kids Innovative, we inspire kids from ages 5 - 14 to explore STEAM concepts using fun experiential hands-on methods. We offer after-school programs, workshops, camps and kits designed with challenging and accessible engineering activities for learning and growth.
STEAM Champions
Each creative activity prompt is an opportunity for your child to embrace a new challenge. Through hands-on learning, your child is more likely to remain engaged and to build upon their creative problem-solving skills.
Bringing projects to life digitally
While our programs encourage your little ones to become better independent learners, we’ve also included special opportunities for you to work together with step-by-step tutorials.